
Panteleeva Tatyana Yurievna – candidate of philology, professor assistant of social-humanitarian, economic and law disciplines, deputy of the head of learning and scientific work branch. Novorossiysk Branch of Krasnodar University of Russian MIA. In the article it is considered «feud speech» in the cognitive-semantic and legal aspects. Jurislinguistic as an interdisciplinary field, actively developing in recent time, uses the term «feud speech» that has not received, however, the terminological status, and full justification. Conducted cognitivesemantic analysis allows to identify in the texts of normative documents qualifying the semantic dominant language elements with the semantic attribute and the semantics of the action constituting the foundation of formation of the investigated phenomenon in the coordinates of linguistics and law. Crucial for determining the extent to which an element of «feude speech» becomes a sign of publicity, naturally manifestated in the properties of the recipient and use of communicative strategies. «Feud speech» is defined as a set of institutionally determinated negative speech practices based on the archetypal opposition «own – alien», and negative stereotypes. «Feud speech» is being implemented in the sphere of social and interpersonal relations. Kay words: jurislinguistic, «feud speech», making semantic dominants, attributive elements.

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