
The study aims to examine the environmental threats to social and economic human well-being in today’s unclear circumstances, as well as find a leveling tool for the business ‒ state ‒ society system. At the present stage, the most significant environmental threats in various regions of the world are identified as follows: increased carbon and methane emissions, air pollution, and lack of public water access. A comparative analysis of effects on the environment and the achievement of environmental goals in sustainable development in various countries is carried out. Russia’s place in the ranking of spreading environmental threats is determined. Financial and implementation trends for measures aimed at protecting environmental wellness and eliminating environmental threats in Russia are analyzed. The study reveals an increase in the state’s budget spent on environmental pro-tection from 2010 to 2021, as well as in the commissioning of water and air pollution protection facilities, including sewage treatment. A decrease in the circulation water supply system and trapping and processing facilities for end gases’ harmful substances is detected. The authors have determined that Russia is far behind developed countries in the European Union in terms of environmental inno-vations implemented by organizations. Based on the positive practice of foreign states, directions for supporting social and economic human well-being are substantiated through the implementation of measures aimed at preventing environmental threats’ onset and spread.

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