
Purpose. To obtain clinical confirmation of the need for intraoperative peripheral capsulotomy with cilio-capsular fixation. Material and methods. Clinical results of phacoemulsification of complicated cataract with femtosecond laser accompaniment against the background of pseudoexfoliation syndrome, grade I subluxation in a 65-year-old patient in the early postoperative period.In addition to standard examination methods, optical coherence tomography of the anterior segment of the eye was used. During the operation, cilio-capsular fixation of a three-part IOL was used without peripheral capsulotomy of the anterior capsule. In the early postoperative period, due to the developed capsular block, YAG laser dissection of the posterior lens capsule was used. Results. On the 3rd day after the operation, the maximum corrected visual acuity increased and amounted to 0.7, IOP – 12 mm Hg. Art.; before surgery – 0.3 and 22 mm Hg, respectively. According to optical coherence tomography after YAG laser discission, a sufficient decrease in the depth of the retrooptic space was determined, which indicates the absence of signs of a capsular block. Conclusion. During the study, it was found that in the absence of communication between the capsular bag with the anterior chamber, a capsular block is formed during cilio-capsular fixation. This necessitates intraoperative peripheral capsulotomy. Key words: capsular block, capsulotomy, capsular-ciliary fixation, three-part intraocular lens, pseudoexfoliative syndrome

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