
The issues of reproduction of Russian political elites, improving the quality of political culture remain relevant. An extensive empirical array of data on the properties of political elites, their study by means of continuous re-finement of the conceptual apparatus of the theory of political elites, conducting directed studies of the qualities of political elites, detecting properties as complementary effects of studies of various subjects of political elites allows us to investigate the environmental nature of education, its influence on the properties of political elites. The interrelation of the processes of education, upbringing, and training in the process of forming the proper-ties of political elites is substantiated; the analysis of education as an environmental factor of political elites is carried out; the forms of determination of education, upbringing, training on the properties of political elites are revealed; a natural connection between the immanent nature of education and the formed properties of politi-cal elites is formulated. The criteria of differentiation of elite and elite education are formulated.

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