
An essential prerequisite for success in modern warfare is military superiority over the enemy, which is based on the tactical and technological level of the operating groups of the armed forces and the economic sufficiency of its provision. This definition became the basis for the study of the laws of the causal chain of formation of military superiority over the enemy and the economic prerequisites for its provision. The article highlights the dependence of strategic goals, operational actions, tactics, principles of forming a system of military superiority over the enemy; the peculiarities of formation of military expenditures of countries depending on their geopolitical and economic situation are analyzed; the necessary methodological principles for creating economic and social preconditions for the formation of military expenditures sufficient to ensure Ukraine’s defense capability have been determined. The study uses the following provisions: of military affairs; of general tactics; combat statutes of the armed forces; normative legal acts of regulation of relations in the spheres of national security; military economy; ensuring the defense capability of countries; scientific methodology.

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