
Introduction. By Decree of the Government of Russia dated September 25, 2019 No. 1248, a decision was made to create an all-season tourist and recreational complex “Mamison” on the territory of the Alagirsky district of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania, in the upper reaches of the Ardon River, the valleys of the Mamikh-Don and Zemegon-Don rivers. One of the most favorable areas is the high-mountain gorge Mamison, where the Zemegon-Don and Kozydon-Don rivers merge, which, downstream, form the Mamikh-Don river. To date, the territory of the Mamison ATRC has been poorly studied in meteorological and hydrological terms. There are practically no studies of the physical properties of snow; the peculiarities of changes in the weight of the snow cover depending on the absolute height have not been identified, as, for example, at the Elbrus ATRC in Kabardino-Balkaria. The work is devoted to the analysis of the dynamics of the average seasonal values of outdoor air temperature, snow cover depth and the amount of precipitation during the cold period (October – May) from 1981 to 2022. On the territory of the Mamison All-Season Tourist and Recreational Complex. Research methods and materials. The work carried out a mathematical and statistical analysis of the meteorological parameters on which the snow avalanche regime depends to the greatest extent. To analyze the average seasonal values of snow depth, air temperatures and total (for the season) amount of precipitation, the work used weather data for the cold period (October – May) obtained at the snow avalanche station (SLS) Roki Pass (from 1981 to 2022). Research results. Mathematical analysis showed that the mid-season snow depth changes linearly, the trend is negative. Mid-season air temperature changes linearly, the trend is also positive. The trend in changes in the seasonal total values of the amount of solid precipitation is positive, the highest amount of precipitation occurs in the spring months – March, April, May (3396 mm, 4809 mm, 4910 mm, respectively). Discussion of research results. The observed changes were manifested in a decrease in the depth of snow cover, a change in precipitation patterns, and an increase in the average seasonal characteristics of the temperature regime. In view of these changes, we can say that the decrease in avalanche activity in the Roki Pass area is associated with interannual changes in the depth of snow cover, which is the main factor in avalanche formation. Conclusions. It was found that from 1981 to 2022, the average annual snow depth decreased by 0.56 cm per year. An expression for the time variation of snow cover height is obtained. Suggestions for practical applications and future research directions. The results obtained have practical significance in the development of mountainous territories and should be taken into account when designing infrastructure facilities of the Mamison ATRC.

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