
This article examines the study of the Kipchak language in M. Kashgari's dictionary "Divan Lugat-atturk". It tells in detail about the languages of the Turkic tribes that have survived to this day, such as Turkic, Oguz, Uighur, Bashkir, Tatar, Kipchak, Turkmen, Kyrgyz, as well as those tribes whose names have been preserved only in history, such as Khakan, Karluk, Bechognek, Argu, Yagma, Chigil, Yabaku, tokhs, as well as the fact that the territories of these tribes are represented on a round world map. This indicates that the dictionary contains not only linguistic materials, but also information about the living conditions, customs, life, economy, legends of the Turkic tribes of that time, and how the phenomena in the Kipchak language can be spoken differently in different circumstances.

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