
© Косич М.В.,Пархоменко Т.І. Problems of monopolization of the economy, competition in commodity markets are attracting today the attention of specialists in various fields of activity. Since the moment Ukraine has gained independence, these problems have become acute for our country, because without the use of certain measures against monopoly, one can not hope for the success of economic reform and the transition to market conditions of economic activity. The positive result of economic transformations to a large extent depends on a balanced, well thought-out system of state regulation of monopoly processes and competitive relations. In our country, which inherited a number of giants-monopolists from the command and administrative system of the former USSR, the problem of monopolization of the economy and the prevention of the already existing role on the market of monopolies is becoming increasingly acute. The development of economic practice has led to the emergence of new monopolistic entities. At each stage of economic relations there were various forms of monopolization of the economy: the rise of joint-stock ownership, the strengthening of the role of banks and the development of participatory systems, monopolistic unions as a means of centralizing capital, the development of forms of capitalist enterprises and the emergence of new forms of association.The further development of monopolistic associations makes a leap in the second half of the 20th century, when large enterprises go beyond the domestic market and gain world markets through the formation of transnational corporations. In economic literature, scholars express two points of view regarding the causes and factors of the emergence of monopolies. Representatives of the first point of view argue that monopolies are random entities in market conditions of management. And supporters of the opposite point of view believe that monopolies are formed, as a result of the evolutionary process, that is logical. To date, there is a rather high level of monopolization of the economy in Ukraine. State monopolies lobby for their interests and receive various privileges from the state or local authorities, which leads to the formation of unequal conditions of competition between participants in one market. The problems created by the highly monopolized economy of Ukraine can only be solved by increasing competition.

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