
The 1982 Nobel Literature Prize winner, Gabriel García Márquez, wrote a number of literary reportage, emphasizing the link between literature and journalism based on his experience as a journalist. Among them, Chronicle of a Death Foretold is a novel that the author mentioned as one of his two most outstanding works. He completed the work by covering the actual honor killing case that occurred in Colombia long time ago. Contrary to the characteristics of literary reportage, the author''s narrative strategy, such as the conversion of time and speakers, and the listing of conflicting testimonies, creates an atmosphere of ambiguity and unknownness by reducing objectivity and consistency. The work is unique not only in terms of form but also in terms of content. In the work, there are three forces: the power towards death, the power to prevent death, the power to preclude ‘the power to prevent death’. The author focuses on showing the power to preclude ‘the power to prevent death’ rather than the truth, material facts, or event. It can be said that the author’s aesthetic strategy in his work is acquiring literary value through the chronicle of deviation itself being the main character, and the conversion from dying into ending up dying.

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