
The research is aimed at disclosing the threats to national security in the humanitarian sphere related to the need of outlining value- and sense-bearing contents in terms of social shifts, military actions, and an axiological crisis, as the actualization of historical and cultural heritage and ethnonational processes overlaps with the axiologically inhomogeneous and fragmentary modern sociocultural space. The complexity of national security policy formation is due to the fact that it must encompass social, economic, political, and cultural features of unity; create national space without denying the right to represent other identities. Thus, it is crucial to form the common sociocultural space as horizontal solidarity of the society based on the national identity’s dominant values. The notion of national values must serve as a conceptual basis for such an approach as, along with the notion of national interests, it most fully depicts the specifics of the humanitarian sphere. The legacy of substance and spirit, as well as traditional ethnonational dimensions, which are fundamental for the national being of Ukraine and allow feeling a constant connection with the Motherland, form an essential foundation for the further representation of Ukrainians and their culture in Ukraine and abroad. The article draws attention to the insufficient depiction of humanitarian problems, the role of national values in the formation of national interests and goals in the strategic security documents of Ukraine. The fact of constructing fake identities and nourishing separatist tendencies in the regions of Ukraine as an element of hybrid warfare requires the state’s reaction. Consideration of dominant meanings and values when working on legal documents in the educational field, language issue, and ethnocultural processes will allow the prognosis of conflict situations, security threats, and elaboration of tools to avoid the crisis.

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