
Countering political extremism is one of the main tasks of state policy in the field of crime prevention. During the period of electoral processes, the violation of the law particularly criminal law becomes frequent and unavoidable. The rules of law guarantee the legality and legitimacy of voters, candidates, electoral associations, electoral commissions and other electoral participants actions. In this article, the author focuses on the special relevance of authorized bodies activities to counter political extremism during an election in order to protect the foundations of the constitutional system and states security. The author reviewed the main sources that form the legal basis for tackling extremism during the election campaigns. The analysis of certain provisions of regulatory legal acts in the field of opposing of manifestations extremism including during the electoral period was done. In particular, the most strategic state policy for protecting society from destructive influence of extremism are discussed. Based on the analysis of some provisions of regulatory legal acts the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve legislation in this area.

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