
The formation of a geometric model of a product according to a real physical sample requires the development of methods for modeling surfaces according to specified conditions. It is advisable to use such methods when modeling complex dynamic surfaces, which include surfaces whose functional purpose is to interact with the environment. When designing dynamic surfaces, it is necessary to ensure the laminar nature of the flow around them. When modeling surfaces based on a wireframe, the properties of surfaces are provided by the properties of its elements - flat and spatial curved lines. From a geometrical point of view, laminar flow can be achieved due to the regular change in curvature and torsion along the lines belonging to the surface. The article has developed a method for forming ruled frameworks of surfaces based on an array of points. From the original array of points, subsets are selected - point rows, on the basis of which linear elements of the surface frame are formed. The wireframe is based on a guideline family and a curved line generator family. Methods for the formation of linear elements of the frame with the provision of regular changes in geometric characteristics along the curve while monitoring the occurrence of singular points are proposed. The specified properties of the framing elements provide the required surface properties. The developed method was tested when modeling functional surfaces that limit the interscapular channel of a turbocharger impeller. Further development of the developed method is aimed at increasing its versatility and adaptability to the requirements of specific applied problems. This problem can be solved by increasing the conditions imposed on the bypass by increasing the number of shaping parameters. Key words: discretely represented curve, tangent, monotonic change of curvature, normal, radius of curvature, center of curvature.

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