
The distinction between categories of violence and aggression is determined. Violence can be called the beginning of aggression, or rather aggression in the unity of the two meanings of this concept: first, as the historical starting point of the phenomenon of aggression and secondly, as the basis of the main cause of aggression. It is established that the starting point of aggression, some researchers take out of society, into biological nature. Others believe that human aggression is caused by social circumstances. It was pointed out that violence and aggression, on the one hand, can be forms of self-defense (benign aggression), and on the other - can take an offensive, aggressive form (malignant aggression). The logical categories outline the amounts of violence and aggression that intersect when both phenomena have a clearly understood purpose in its negative manifestations. The boundaries of the concept of violence are set by the target, and the boundaries of the concept of aggression are more blurred, because they include many spontaneous and targeted acts of a negative nature, conscious and unconscious, overt and covert. The concept of aggression is quite destructive and destructive, which cannot be said of violence, which is often committed with positive motives and has positive consequences. And in this regard, violence can be considered any act of a coercive nature, carried out against the will of the object to which this action is applied. That is why the concept of violence is logically broader than the concept of aggression. The problem of legitimacy and illegitimacy of violence is studied. The legal solution to this problem is inseparable from its moral solution. What is good for some, others perceive as evil that must be fought, including - equivalent methods to the subjugation or even elimination of the enemy. The contradiction in this regard in any society is that one part of it accepts the right to legitimate violence, while the other categorically denies even the very idea of its use, although such a measure would seem quite adequate and equivalent, and most importantly – fair. It is proved that since alienation is first of all alienation of man from his essence, the inadequacy of the reaction to injustice and alienation is that one way or another, but in this case it is as if the movement of man back - in biological form, where human freedom understood as unbridled arbitrariness, revenge and cruelty. It is noted that modern democracies are not completely free from propaganda. As a result – violent, sometimes aggressive manipulation of people's freedom, control over information and restrictions of an open society, which as a result contradicts the very idea of democracy.

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