
Introduction. When developing productive deposits containing hard-to-recover oil reserves, the main difficulty is associated with low values of the reservoir properties of the reservoirs and their significant heterogeneity. The use of hydraulic fracturing technology allows solving these problems by increasing the well drainage area, and also as a means of intensifying production. Materials and methods of research. The study of the process of hydraulic fracture development in the deposits of the Bazhenov formation in a vertical well showed that when water is injected, long narrow fractures are formed in the formation, their filling with subsequent supply of a fracturing fluid with proppant leads to an increase in the width and height of the created fracture. Due to the hydrophobic properties and increased brittleness of the rocks of the Bazhenov formation, an effect similar to hydraulic fracturing is also possible during the injection of water into the formation at high pressures, for example, when organizing a waterflooding system. Another direction is multi-zone hydraulic fracturing. The advantage of this method is the greater distribution of fractures over the area compared to point hydraulic fracturing operations. Results and Discussion. On the deposits of the Bazhenov formation, pilot work was carried out to create artificial fracturing by pumping water. The positive effect was expressed in a twofold increase in oil recovery in the pilot area. As a negative side effect, a sharp increase in water cut was noted. The experience of using multi-zone hydraulic fracturing in the conditions of the Bazhenov formation was considered on the example of the deposits of the Surgut arch. The dynamics of flow rates and cumulative oil production by wells during operation is presented. Also, a comparison was made of the main performance indicators of wells with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing with the average indicators of directional wells of the same fields. Conclusion. The pilot work conducted on water injection into the Bazhenov formation deposits unambiguously showed that additional fracturing is formed in the reservoir and the volume of additional fractured capacity is directly proportional to the volume of injected water. The experience of using multi-zone hydraulic fracturing revealed the advantages of this technology compared to directional wells. Under conditions of reservoir reservoir properties uncertainty, the creation of artificial conductivity using hydraulic fracturing may be the only way to ensure well productivity. MSHF in horizontal wells forms a system of fractures in a large volume and seems to be more effective in such conditions compared to conventional hydraulic fracturing.

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