
Received 17 September 2014; received in revised form 20 July 2015; accepted 28 July 2015ABSTRACTVulnerability assessment is a process to calculate the damage degree of a combat vehicle whenthe combat vehicle is attacked by an enemy. When the vehicle is hit, it is necessary to analyzethe shot line to calculate which components are damaged and judge whether the armor of thevehicle is penetrated by enemy’s warhead. To analyze the shot line efficiently, this paper pres-ents the target modeling and the shot line analysis system to assess vulnerability of the groundcombat vehicle. This system is easily able to do several functions: 1) the program reads STLfiles converted from CAD model which is designed by commercial CAD software. 2) It calcu-lates the intersection between triangle of STL mesh and the shot line, and check if the compo-nents of the model are penetrated. 3) This program can visualize the results using OpenGL. Thevulnerability assessment using the shot line analysis can be used to model the armor of thecombat vehicle and arrange the inner components effectively in the early stage of developmentof the combat vehicle.Key Words: Ground combat vehicles, Shot line analysis, Target geometry modeling, Vulnerabilityassessment

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