
The scientific article is devoted to the study of the essential characteristics of innovative pro-cesses in the sustainable development of agricultural formations. In the theoretical aspect, an understanding of the definition of “innovative potential” has been developed, which has made it possible to form a three-component model of the system of innovative potential of agricul-tural formations (SIPAF), which includes: the actual components of SIPAF - resource, internal and effective; review of existing conceptual approaches to the content of this category; condi-tions for the development of the system. The methodology for assessing the innovative poten-tial of agricultural formations is substantiated. A system of general and specific indicators for assessing the innovative potential of agricultural formations of the form “component of inno-vative potential – aggregated indicator – private characteristics” is proposed. It has been prov-en that such an important indicator as labor productivity, which reflects the efficiency of the use of labor resources, acts as a significant factor in increasing the technical level of agricultur-al production and the innovativeness of agricultural formation as a whole. Labor productivity is formed under the influence of a favorable investment climate, as well as the generation of innovation, since innovation and investment factors complement each other. The study showed that the institutional infrastructure of the intellectual capital market is not fully inte-grated into the activities of agricultural entities, which cannot provide sufficient access to the necessary resources and services for participants in the innovation process.

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