
State of matter: 
 At all historical stages, the category «undertake or undertake» was actively used both in the framework of Xenophon's economy and in the framework of Aristotelian chrematistics, and, therefore, its application could not but affect such a component of social reality as the scientific and pedagogical sphere. It has always been the basis for both the creation of property objects and the training of professional specialists. It follows that science has always acted, in the language of higher mathematics, as «primitive», and «derived» from it has always been «education»", which in turn has influenced science.
 However, contrary to the above, was created by «the Ministry of education and science the Russian Federation», which, as the name implies, a «primitive» began to speak «education» and «science» has become a derived from it. The transformation of the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation into the «Ministry of education (ME) of the Russian Federation» «Ministry of science and higher education (MSHE) of the Russian Federation» and here, as can be seen, gave priority to «education» and only outwardly made «higher education» a derivative of «science», but in practice were preserved and still operate «training scientific centers» and «military training scientific centers».
 Under these conditions, «entrepreneurial activity» in the pedagogical sphere resulted in a direct «transfer of funding» for training from those interested in specialists with higher education of Federal government bodies and legal entities directly to the citizens of their country, and in the scientific sphere turned into a unique «scientific market», where only «intermediaries-entrepreneurs» who are very far from science began to earn money.
 Results: It is proposed to develop a functional structure for the MSHE of the Russian Federation and the MP of the Russian Federation, i.e. «some complex, elements of which are functions or groups of functions that act as «directed effects», expressed by verbs, and the relationship (relationship) between them reflect the order and sequence of their implementation», which must be supplemented by «strategic level», associated with «the best location and use of all ... forces and means», as well as tactical (operational) level, which characterizes the «ability to have ... forces» and used when there is a mismatch between the managing effect and its result.
 Based on the principles of «division of labor and specialization» on the basis of this functional structure is designed to MSHE of the Russian Federation and ME of the Russian Federation organizational structure, which represents «the totality of certain operating facilities, operating groups of objects, and the relationships (links) between them reflect the order and sequence of their work» and includes three interrelated groups operating close to «sources», «authority decision» and «controls».
 The scope of the results: The results obtained can be widely used in practice in a constantly changing business environment.

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