
The paper provides data on rare vascular plant species found in the Bolshekhekhtsirsky State Nature Reserve (Khabarovsk Territory), including Taraxacum brassicifolium Kitag. and Codonopsis lanceolata (Siebold et Zucc.) Benth. et Hook. fil. (Amur-Japanese subboreal low-activity species); Liparis makinoana Schlechter (a rare relic Amur-Japanese subboreal low-activity species at the north-eastern border of its range, included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Khabarovsk Territory and ranked 3rd category of rarity); Dontostemon dentatus (Bunge) Ledeb. (East Siberian-East Asian subboreal low-activity species); Rumex gmelinii Тurcz. ex Ledeb. (East Siberian-East Asian temperate moderate-activity species). Two adventitious species Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. and Portulaca oleracea L., having recently become cosmopolitans, were found in the reserve for the first time only now (the reserve flora have been studied since 1965). They form thickets in some areas (in reserve sections 2 and 109). Strangers are inherently more plastic species, e. g. after the disastrous floods in the Amur Basin Portulaca oleracea safely re-occupied its habitats.

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