
Concrete exposed to severely low temperature below should be provided with proper heat supplying curing to protect the concrete from early frost damage at the time of pouring.meanwhile, so far, effective heat curingmethods of the concrete under severely low temperature are not well established in Korea. For this reason, the objective of this paper is to provide effective heat curingmethod of concrete exposed to severely low temperature to protect early frost damage by varying the combination of heat curingmaterial combinations. Temperature history,maturity development and core strength results are investigated. Fourmock-up specimens simulating slab, wall and column were prepared and heat insulation, heat supplying and both were applied. Test results indicate that the combination of quadruple layer bubble sheet(4BS) and embedding of heating cable has desirable performance for a slab, and heat supplying curing inside heat enclosure and heat generationmat also shows desirable performance for a wall, and for a column, use of EPS heat insulation has proper performance against early frost damage, which reaches and helps the concretemaintain above within 3 days. Themethodsmentioned above are believed to be optimum protection from early frost damage of the concrete under .

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