
Change in the quality of life of every Ukrainian in the new reality requires a rethinking of the scientific content of the social quality concept in a post-conflict economy. Its reformatting is due to profound changes in the social and economic life of mankind, which is being transformed under the influence of armed conflicts, large-scale terrorist acts, the COVID-19 pandemic, and continuous environmental pollution. In the last decade, there was a tendency towards intensification of violence on the planet, as evidenced by the number of military conflicts. The global nature of the conflictness development raises the problem of the social quality concept with all its basic components for the post-war reconstruction of society in countries affected by armed aggression. Given the significant difference in conditions and factors that traditionally determine European practice, the realization of the social quality concept in post-war socioeconomics will involve both the traditional participation of state in social life and ensuring the social quality in postwar society, which has undergone significant transformations during armed conflict, and active participation of particular individuals in the process. From the initial stage of reconstruction of the socio-economic space in the post-war period on the basis of social quality, it is necessary to respect fundamental social rights defined in the European Social Charter as amended in 1996. To prevent the growth of poverty and marginalization of populace in the post-war period of reconstruction and restructuration of socioeconomic space, it is important to involve mechanisms aimed at achieving social equality on the basis of solidarity and subsidiarity as social values common with the EU. Given the nature and role of social quality as one of the important mechanisms for socio-economic revival and restructuration in the post-war period, it is necessary to change the interpretation of the very concept of social quality in accordance with its intangible components related to the specifics of the national psyche and historical peculiarities that manifest themselves most strongly in conditions of war.

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