
This article is a study of Karaganda Corrective Labor Camp (Karlag in Russian) and its representation in the Karlag Memorial Museum. Karlag is a large concentration camp established in Kazakhstan during the Stalin period. It is a camp built to create industrial complexes that collect mineral resources such as coal and copper, which are needed during the Soviet industrialization.<BR> The industrial complexes had been built by the camp prisoners in the central Kazakhstan and the Camp laid the foundation for agriculture and animal husbandry. It also worked as the foundation for the artistic development of Kazakhstan. In Karlag, experts in various fields and artists were imprisoned. And the cultural and artistic works were carried out to fulfill the correctional functions of the concentration camps during the Stalin period, in spite of the suffering of the imprisoned women and children from the harsh conditions of life.<BR> Kazakhstan is currently in the process of establishing a new independent nation-state. And the memory of the Camp is used as a tool for establishing Kazakhstan national identity cutting from the Soviet identity by maximizing and reproducing it far more miserably and tragically than it actually existed.

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