
Inclusive development of the national economy covers all population groups in economic development, ensuring their rights and opportunities and equal access to resources and services, including labor, education, health care, and social protection. It also includes providing sustainable sources of income for all population groups and reducing social inequality. Inclusive development of the national economy contributes to the country's sustainable development, increasing resource use efficiency and competitiveness in the international market. The article aims to analyze the socio-economic indicators of Ukraine's development regarding inclusion. The results. It was determined that inclusive development is assessed using a complex system of indicators that cover various aspects of the economy and society: income and employment; accessibility and quality of education and health care for different social groups; the level of unemployment, exclusion from the labor market and social isolation; availability and quality of housing and infrastructure for other social groups; level of inequality and lack of discrimination based on gender, race, ethnic origin, age, disability, etc.; innovative development and support of small and medium-sized businesses, contributing to the creation of jobs and reducing inequality in income distribution, etc. The analysis showed that the population of Ukraine decreased by 0.7 million during the last two years. It was determined that the decrease in population is due primarily to natural movement, that is, the number of deaths, which significantly exceeds the number of births. In addition, the decrease in population occurs mainly in rural areas. It was emphasized that there is a migration movement in Ukraine. It was determined that in 2020, the number of arrivals amounted to 576,000 people, which was higher than the number of departures - 554,500 people. However, in 2021, there was a decrease in the number of arrivals to 435,300 people and the number of releases to 426,000 people, which caused a reduction in migration growth to 9,300 people. However, in 2022, the number of arrivals increased again to 476.9 thousand people, which led to an increase in migration growth to 21.3 thousand people. It has been proven that the population is an integral part of the inclusive development of Ukraine and an essential factor in its success. Keywords: inclusive development, socio-economic indicators, demographic processes, migration, development of Ukraine.

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