
We studied the current problem of spiritual search of a person during the mid-life crisis. We considered signs of mid-life crisis and signs of intra-personal conflict aggravating it and analyzed personal qualities of respondents in the situation of life difficulties. Based on empirical data obtained from the survey of healthy respondents and persons with disabilities, we revealed the characteristics of respondents' attitude to God, themselves and society. The system of values and social attitudes of a religious person refracts life information through religious experience, correlating it with the system of moral standards and the attitude of a person to God as an ideal. Therefore, the attitude towards religion, faith and God is considered as an attitude determined by the social conditions of a person's life in society. When considering a wide system of relationships, we also investigated the self-wear of a person, determined by the laws of development and functioning of psychological phenomena and processes, including motivational, intellectual-cognitive, emotional-will and communicative-behavioral processes, we determined ways of forming a new self-attitude based on spiritual transformation . We established that the most psychologically stable, stable among all age groups were youth groups and the akme group, in which the individual reached a level of self-realization and self-commitment that was distinguished by a realistic character, a sense of achievement and building prospects. The established relationship to God in these age groups made it possible to note that the work of the soul of persons with disabilities has significant differences from the spiritual search for healthy respondents.

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