
The purpose of this study was to investigate individual and school factors affecting student guidance efficacy of Korean high school teachers. The muti-level analysis was conducted using the 2012 data from 「Analysis on the Actual Status and Quality of School Education in Korea」. The main results are as follows. First, teachers who were in charge of a homeroom class, had more years of teaching experience, and communicated with colleagues more actively, showed higher student guidance efficacy. Furthermore, female teachers showed lower student guidance efficacy than male teachers. Second, while teachers who perceived more frequent student behavioral problems in school showed lower student guidance efficacy, teachers tended to show higher student guidance efficacy when they actively engaged in school s decision-making process. Third, there were interaction effects among individual and school factors. The more student behavioral problems were, the lower the female teachers student guidance efficacy. The more actively teachers could participate in school s decision making process, the higher the student guidance efficacy of teachers who communicated with fellow teachers more often. Results were discussed in terms of creating a school environment to enhance teachers student guidance efficacy.

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