
The article presents a system analysis on the activities for the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan over the past twenty-five years of operation of that institution. The materials of the article reflect a generalised scientific and expert opinion on the processes of political discourse formation related to the understanding and perception of such contexts as “signs of the nation”, “national identity”, “intercultural dialogue”, “memory”, etc. The author pays special attention to the implementation of the Assembly’s projects aimed at strengthening the common historical memory, historical justice, as well as at the consolidation of Kazakhstan’s multi-ethnic society. The key focus of the article is the implementation of the international project “Memory for the Future’s Sake”, initiated by the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2009. The author analyses the project’s geography, goals and objectives, and examines the participation in its implementation of national and foreign scientists and experts, descendants of repressed and deported peoples. In addition, the article analyses the possibilities of the project “Memory for the Future’s Sake” to positively influence the formation and maintenance of historical memory, which unites the Kazakh society and at the same time contributes to its positive interaction with the surrounding world in general and with neighbours in the post-Soviet space, in particular.

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