
Based on the data of eastern-steppe dialects the article researches the role of the moon in the beliefs of the Ukrainian people. In the extensive comments of the interviewees, we recorded signs, beliefs, spells, customs, etc., associated with the stay of the heavenly body in different phases. Semes were analyzed to the designation of the Moon, the closest celestial body to the Earth, the satellite of the Earth shining with reflected sunlight, its phases, the parts of the crescent, and the time when the moon is visible by the glow of the moon. Сonfirmed omens that portend good or bad weather, frost, and even the beginning of a war, can be traced by the location of a conditional bucket on the tips of the Moon. One-component lexemes are identified: polukoаlItso, naroаsItaniie, ubyIvan'iie, rosIte and a variant of rasItot), prybuIvaie, ubuIva and a variant of ubuIvaie), uIkhodit, ushcherIbyvsa, etc. and multi-component units: Iphazy Imisatsa, na molodyIka, na sIpovni, na ushIcherblen:a another variant na Iushcherb), na Iubyl, na spadt, try Ichetverti, yaIkyĭ ubuIvaie Ianother option ubyIvaie), veyIlyka luIna, rasItushchyĭ Imisats Ianother variant rosItushcha luIna, rasItushcha luIna, rosItushchyĭ Imisats, rosItushchiĭ Imisats, rosItuchyĭ Imisats, roasItushchyĭ Imisats), spaIdaiuchyĭ Imisats, shcherIbatyĭ Imisats, Iduzhe vazhshIkyi Imisats, prybuIvayuchyĭ Imisats, narosItayushcha luIna ecton the designation of the Moon and its phases, comparison Imisats yak mlyInove Ikoleso about the full Moon). The properties and qualities of the young, growing, full, and waning Moon were presented in detail. Most often, among all phases in the dialect speakers’ comments was a new moon, because during this period the Moon has a healing power that helps in the treatment of teeth, fright in a child, enuresis, removal of warts, meeting a good partner, improving the financial situation in the family, etc. Also, on the new moon, customs are observed regarding the need to start new things, plant a vegetable garden, and plan self-care-related actions. Unlike the young moon, the full moon often has a negative effect on a person, because it can cause insomnia or other diseases. It emphasizes the need to cover the windows at night to avoid the moonlight falling on a person during sleep. In the analyzed area, with the help of a metaphorical image, the Moon appears in the form of a living being: umyIvayits':a oItak, Ivyishov Imisats Iz-za khmar), kaIzaly / moloIdyk naroIdyvsia, kaIzaly / Imisats naroIdyvsia etc. Semes were analyzed to the designation of the Moon, the closest celestial body to the Earth, the satellite of the Earth shining with reflected sunlight, its phases, the parts of the crescent, and the time when the moon is visible by the glow of the moon. Сonfirmed omens that portend good or bad weather, frost, and even the beginning of a war, can be traced by the location of a conditional bucket on the tips of the Moon. One-component lexemes are identified: polukoаlïtso, naroаsïtaniie, ubyïvan'iie, rosïte (and a variant of rasïtot), prybuïvaie, ubuïva (and a variant of ubuïvaie), uïkhodit, ushcherïbyvsa, etc. and multi-component units: ïphazy ïmisatsa, na molodyïka, na sïpovni, na ushïcherblen:a (another variant na ïushcherb), na ïubyl, na spadt, try ïchetverti, yaïkyĭ ubuïvaie (another option ubyïvaie), veyïlyka luïna, rasïtushchyĭ ïmisats (another variant rosïtushcha luïna, rasïtushcha luïna, rosïtushchyĭ ïmisats, rosïtushchiĭ ïmisats, rosïtuchyĭ ïmisats, roasïtushchyĭ ïmisats), spaïdaiuchyĭ ïmisats, shcherïbatyĭ ïmisats, ïduzhe vazhshïkyi ïmisats, prybuïvayuchyĭ ïmisats, narosïtayushcha luïna ecton the designation of the Moon and its phases, comparison ïmisats yak mlyïnove ïkoleso (about the full Moon). The properties and qualities of the young, growing, full, and waning Moon were presented in detail. Most often, among all phases in the dialect speakers’ comments was a new moon, because during this period the Moon has a healing power that helps in the treatment of teeth, fright in a child, enuresis, removal of warts, meeting a good partner, improving the financial situation in the family, etc. Also, on the new moon, customs are observed regarding the need to start new things, plant a vegetable garden, and plan self-care-related actions. Unlike the young moon, the full moon often has a negative effect on a person, because it can cause insomnia or other diseases. It emphasizes the need to cover the windows at night to avoid the moonlight falling on a person during sleep. In the analyzed area, with the help of a metaphorical image, the Moon appears in the form of a living being: umyïvayits':a oïtak, ïvyishov ïmisats (z-za khmar), kaïzaly / moloïdyk naroïdyvsia, kaïzaly / ïmisats naroïdyvsia etc.

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