
An increasing number of people are becoming adherents of vegetarian diets, namely, such a modern trend as flexitorianism. The main idea of the Flexitorians is to reduce the consumption of red meat as a condition for maintaining health. Most of the supporters of this trend are environmentally friendly youth. The main reasons for switching to this type of diet are environmental and social. This movement is trying to reduce the negative impact of the livestock and meat industry on the environment. Also, some people are driven not only by moral ideas, but also by the desire to conform to fashion. A number of studies are presented in terms of the filling of the grocery basket and the frequency of choosing products of animal and plant origin, both for themselves and for their children. The study of stereotypes of nutrition of children and adolescents in modern conditions is described. Data from studies of the feces microbiome of Fleckitorians and omnivores have shown a positive effect on the saprophytic flora of the Flexitorian diet. Key words: flexitorianism, microbiome, nutritional stereotypes

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