
The article analyzes current issues of economic development of the country in terms of decentralization of power, organizational aspects and areas of state regional policy. The essence of strategic management on the ground within the territorial community is considered, its role in the development of the region and the country in the conditions of decentralization is determined. The advantages of strategic management of development of territorial communities and its influence on the development of the state economy are generalized. The aim of the study is to determine the role of strategic management of economic development of territorial communities in the development of the region and the country in terms of decentralization of power and analysis of the impact of decentralization processes on the development of education. Administrative reform in Ukraine and, as one of its components - decentralization of power, unification of territorial communities, are aimed at promoting the economic development of individual administrative-territorial units, increasing their role in the economy as a whole and its competitiveness among other European countries. In world practice, a recognized element in the system of regional management, which allows to create conditions for effective development and make current decisions based on strategic goals is strategic management. In today's competitive environment, strategic management is an integral part of local governance. A key role is played by strategic planning as a component of strategic management. The formation and development of the vast majority of resources that ensure the economic development of the country covers the field of education, which determines its decisive role in the processes of economic development of individual territorial communities. However, the economic development of the country is provided by human, infrastructural, natural and other resources of each of the territorial communities, only under the condition of effective management on the ground.

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