
Relevance. The experience of state regulation of Russia's credit policy is of great practical importance for the modern economic and political development of the country. Currently, current forms of management are being devel-oped, which include credit cooperation. The purpose – analysis of the government's credit policy in the Southern Urals at the beginning of the XX century. Objectives: to determine the forms and main activities of credit cooperation; to study the regional aspects of credit policy in rural areas, to show the features of its implementation in the Southern Urals. Metodology. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism and objectivity. The methodo-logical basis of the research is a systematic approach. The chronological method and the method of comparative historical analysis are used. Results. At the beginning of the XX century, credit institutions – savings and loan partnerships, most of which functioned in rural areas, became widespread in the Southern Urals. In addition to the main purpose – lending to the small peasant, they were engaged in the sale of bread and other types of agricultural products. Restraining factors for the development of small-scale credit in rural areas were a low level of commodity-money relations on the one hand; legal and class isolation on the other, since there were restrictions on the disposal of peasant property, both allotment land and movable property. Conclusion. Credit policy was one of the results of the development of commodity relations, contributed to providing the most favorable conditions for the development of agriculture in general, had an important impact on the socio-economic development of the South Ural region in the early twentieth century.

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