
Introduction. In the digital age, the individual becomes the bearer and victim of an ambivalent and labile individual identity: a real identity, as an expression of one's own individuality, including personal, group, professional, gender, ethnic, civil, and a virtual identity, as a user of an information resource with an individual digital code. Today, a universal era of active imitation of real life is being formed, the construction of an anonymous individual based on a total upgrade of his identification codes. Theoretical basis of the study. Based on the identification and analysis of individual identity in the digital space, the conceptualization of various approaches to characterizing identity was carried out. It is expressed in the fact that the situational approach characterizes a theoretical construction that describes the ability of a person to form his identity in various situations and, in order to preserve his individuality, deviate from the general norms of group behavior; the intersubjective approach defines the unique place of the individual, his awareness as a consequence of internalization in the existing symbolic organization of the group; the structural-functional approach explicates a fixed set of attributions of an individual, which include his personal traits, functional characteristics and motivational structure. Results and its discussion. In the digital environment, the identification constructs of the individual are reproduced as some instrumental matrices or original operational models of everyday and social communication, models of relationships and interconnections in the plurality of social worlds. At the same time, reflecting social reality, the individual forms his attitude towards it according to the identification construct, and realizing his actions according to these matrices and models, the individual creates a part of reality itself, changes it, transforms it. Considering that an identification construct can be a purposefully formed or involuntarily emerging way of reflecting the reality that dominates an individual, it can be represented as a pragmatic-target result of a direct impact on the subject of an artificially constructed environment (manipulation), or as a consequence of a rational attitude to social reality in the form of a product of social experiences and social feelings determined by the principles and rules of the dominant reality.

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