
The article analyzes the novel “The Ceasefire” by modern prose writer Hovhannes Yeranyan. This work realistically depicts some aspects of the cultural life of Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation during the first years of independence (the 1990s) from the point of view of an Armenian student, and especially the situation in the Republic of Armenia. In the first years of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reality of Armenia is revealed through the eyes of the main character Mher Yepremyan, who acts as a narrator, and through direct contact and sharing life experiences with people. With transparent artistic images are presented moral values in everyday morals, distorted human relations, and moral values in cultural life in Moscow, about which is told through recollection, and the real events take place in the newly independent Republic of Armenia and Artsakh. Through the main character, the author presented the artistic environment in the context, especially in a part of the liberated territory of Artsakh, which was known as the Kovsakan period of historical Armenia, some truth, typical aspects of the ceasefire period and the situation in the country.

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