
‘One Belt, One Road’ is a concrete and long-term realization plan of the ‘China Dream’ which is great revival of the Chinese nation promoted by the Xi Jinping administration. China asserts that the plan will contribute to world peace and development together with participating countries, and advance toward a common prosperity and a community of destiny through cooperation and coexistence of e ach country. T he C hinese d ream i s a policy t o b ring h ope to t he C hinese p eople and to achieve unity around it, having a very strong collectivism. In addition, the One Belt, One Road policy, which is a plan to realize the Chinese dream, presupposes close cooperation with neighboring countries, and this is also based on a strong collectivist culture. So, how should we respond to China's One Belt, One Road policy? This paper presents public diplomacy as the answer to this. And the direction of public diplomacy is summarized as using their face culture through continuous cultural exchange with China and actively conducting public diplomacy on environmental and human rights issues, which are one of the problems faced by the One Belt and One Road Initiative.

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