
مجالات إهدار الوقت لدى موظفي الأمانة العامة بجامعة تعز
 The objective of this research is to answer the question , i.e., " What are the fields of the time wasted the secretariat - general staff of Taiz University, according to the functional rank.
 The results show a lot of information about the amount of the time wasted by the secretariat-general staff.
 There are (37465) wasted hours with a cost of (7519885) Y.R.
 The average of the cost of wasting time is (69629) Y.R.
 per official.
 The results of wasting time and its cost according to the study fields can be summarized as follows : 1- The late arrival at work wastes (2379) hours with a cost of (468546) Y.R.
 The average of the cost of wasting time is (4338) Y.R.
 per official.
 2- Departure before the office hours and wastes (2757) hours with a cost of (575916) Y.R.
 The average of the cost of wasting time is (5333) Y.R.
 per official.
 3- The time wasted inside the secretariat - general is (5187) hours with a cost of (1025862) Y.R.
 The average of wasting time is (9499) Y.R.
 per official.
 4- The lime wasted outside the secretariat - general is (27142) hours with a cost of (5449561) Y.R..
 The average of wasting time is (50459) Y.R.
 per official.
 The result of this study give us an initial image of the levels of wasting time in the public foundations .
 Therefore, the researcher presents the following the mast amportant recommendation to tackle this problem : 1- Paying attention to this problem faced by the different public foundation being the widest gate of wasting public money.
 2- Taking care of the human element being the basic pillar in the administrative work.
 3- Effectively using time being the basis of the constantly successfully business.
 This can be achieved by making the official aware of the importance of time in this era of speed, information technology and successive technological development.
 4- Clarifying the concept of time, and concentrating on it as one of the production resources that should be developed and invested.
 5- Reducing the undesirable behavioral acts by developing the conccpts of the value of time and work.
 This can be achieved through a clear Islamic vision depending on believing in God and considering work as a trust that must be correctly performed without negligence that is considered as a breach of trust.
 Developing the self-control resulting from the Muslim's belief in God's punishment and reward.
 This is, in fact, a strong motive for the official to do well at work

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