
The research has been based on the theme of the proportioning of lace elements and costumes from lace cloths. In constructing the composition of the lace fabric, is necessary to apply natural scientific laws which stabilize the structure of the structure and the arrangement of parts in the whole. The geometrization of the space and the object environment prescribes a mathematical basis for constructing garments from lace and lace-like structures. As a result of visual analysis of designer collections created using lace clothes, it became necessary to search for the principles of natural harmony, which are basic in the detailed development of clothing items made from lace. The lace fabric is created from separate elements, which are also built according to the similar laws of harmony. The research aims are analyzing and adaptation of the existing natural–rational aesthetics laws. The basic laws of natural harmony include the principles of symmetry and asymmetry, the law of the ‘first’ golden ratio (basic) and the law of the ‘second’ golden ratio. These principles have the property of universal and mathematically accurate stylization of wildlife in the construction of objects of any sort of activity and the object environment. Mathematically formalized adaptation of the two fundamental laws of natural aesthetics (the first and the second laws of the golden ratio) using examples of designer models of costume and fragmentary lace elements has been a result of the research. The ratios of elements, parts, sides in lace clothes and models made from lace are absolutely true. The research hypothesis about the direct relationship between natural laws and the design of a rationally aesthetic structure of objects (items) has been confirmed. The absence of systematic laws during creating the structure of lace fabric and models from lace clothes is going to negatively affect human psycho-emotional perception, and, as a result, there will be an almost complete absence of interest to the designed object (item), which means negative demand.

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