
The article represents one of the first attempts in the domestic literature on the problems of electronic docu-ment management to link this issue with such a social factor as increasing trust in society and such a problem of modern management as the role of electronic document management in managing the human capital of the organization. On the issue of trust, the article substantiates the fact that the problem initially posed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 9, 2017, to create conditions for increasing trust in electronic documents has not yet been solved. It is emphasized that the rejection of paper media has rather reduced trust in society both at the level of the state-population and at the level of corporate employer-employee relations. In order to confirm this circumstance, the authors stress the social inertia of the transition from paternalistic social and labor relations to liberal-market commodity-money relations in modern society. On the issue of the connection of transition to electronic document flow in the management of a modern organiza-tion, the article substantiates that such a transition from the standpoint of human resource management should be assessed from the standpoint of changing the paradigm of managing the labor potential of an employee, adopted in the Soviet economy, to the paradigm of human capital management in the modern economy. The given conclusion is argued both by references to socio-economic literature and the results of socio-economic research. The article justifies that the transition to management as part of human capital issues solves the prob-lem of trust and social justice in the transition to electronic document flow management.

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