
The article is concerned with studying of the role of the role of big business in the post-war reconstruction of the German economy after the Second World War. The purpose of the article is to study the role of concerns in the post-war recovery of the German economy to extrapolate this experience in the development and implementation of the reconstruction plan of Ukraine. The main features of the German corporate sector in the post-war years are characterized based on the scientific analysis of historical and economic literature. As a result of the study, the largest concerns in traditional German industries were determined and the features of preserving the country's military-industrial potential were identified. The dual nature of the decartelization of German industry, which provided for the fight against monopoly and at the same time contributed to the preservation of large industrial enterprises, was determined. It is established that the rapid revival of industrial empires was made possible by a combination of skillful business management, favorable market conditions and the preservation of long-standing business connections from pre-war times. The importance of diversification of the activities of large enterprises in the post-war period in order to adapt to new conditions in the domestic and international markets is emphasized. The feature of German business such as family ties in family businesses which were important for post-war recovery is determined. The results of research are important for understanding the ways and methods of recovery of big business and the economy in general after the war, and also show that there are effective forms of combining the interests of the state, business and society, which ensured the rapid revival of Germany after the Second World War.

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