
The article is devoted to the theoretical and methodological aspects of solving the actual, complex and multifaceted problem of the creating of the scientific world view of pre service teachers of physics as a leading quality of personality, the basis of their professional competence. The author analyses the degree of the development of the problem of research in the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature, theory and practice of teaching physics; clarifies the essence and basic characteristics of the basic concepts: "worldview", "scientific worldview" of the individual. It is established that the core of the scientific worldview is the scientific picture of the world, which is the result of the integration of generalized images of the surrounding world of the individual sciences and forms the basis of thinking, conscious behaviour and human activity. In this context, the creating of ideological beliefs and beliefs does not automatically occur with the assimilation of subject knowledge within a certain discipline, but requires a separate purposeful and systematic approach of the whole pedagogical staff of the educational institution. The author defines the basic components, didactic conditions, criteria and indicators of the levels of creating of the natural-scientific world view of pre-service teachers of physics, as well as forms and means of diagnostics, which are based primarily on students’ study of general and theoretical physics. Educational and methodological complex, which includes a modular program of generalization of students' knowledge in the course of theoretical physics; a textbook for the study of theoretical material, problem solving, a collection of tests (which contain, among others, the issues of methodological and ideological nature) on the example of the course of "Thermodynamics and statistical physics" were developed and implemented in the educational process. The study of general and theoretical physics by pre-service teachers should take into account the principle of continuity on the basis of the creation of the most complete and holistic ideas about the modern world picture and its evolution; awareness of the content and structure of fundamental physical theories, their unity, multifunctionality and hierarchy according to certain spatial intervals and interactions. Key words: personality worldview, scientific worldview, professional competence of physics teacher, physical picture of the world.

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