
The article singles out mitonyms in the texts of Dara Korniy, defi nes their se-mantics and etymology, and attempts to classify and systematize the linguistic units under study.One of the mental features of the Ukrainian people is the syncretism of paganism and Christianity, which is refl ected in the worldview, beliefs, traditions, beliefs and mythology. Mitonyms are an important part of the mythological system of the Ukrainian language.Ivan Ohiienko was one of the fi rst to thoroughly analyze, systematize and comprehensively describe ancient Ukrainian mitonyms. Modern scientists actively continue to develop problems related to metonyms. However, studies related to the verbalization of subconscious elements do not lose their relevance with increasing sophistication, but rather increase it.Mitonyms are most vividly realized in artistic texts. As a basis for research, we chose the texts of Dara Korniy.We noted more than 100 metonyms in the analyzed novels of Dara Korniy. We put the synthetic principle as the basis of the classifi cation. Ukrainian and bor-rowed ones were highlighted (Judaic: Bible, Sodom, Gomorrah, etc.; Greek\Latin: Orpheus, Eurydice, Amur, etc.; Tatar: Tengri, Erlik, Kruk; Egyptian: griffi n, sphinx; Scandinavian fairies, elves; literary Master, Margarita.Actually, we divided the Ukrainian mitonyms in the analyzed texts of Dara Korniy into 9 groups: theonyms (Perun, Veles, Domovyk, etc.); mythopersons (Rosyanytsia, Panna and others); mythophytonyms (Magnifi cent Oak); mitozoonyms (frog); khre-matononym (Eared stone); space names (Sun, Moon and others); geortonyms (Easter, Christmas and others); probable metonyms (Happiness, Love and others); toponyms (Svit, Paradise, Marunka and others). In each of them, one-word (unarticulated, two-component) and multi-word units were singled out. Individual mitonyms with opaque or noteworthy etymology and semantics have been explained.Theonyms are the most widely represented in the studied texts. The next in terms of quantity is the group of cosmonyms, their feature is the transformation of the names of real phenomena or objects into proper names. It is this group that acquires the greatest epitization in the novels of Dara Korniy. Other groups are represented by a smaller number of metonyms and, in order to develop a clear system, require addi-tional resear ch on a larger textual material

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