
The article states that one of the main tasks of penitentiary institutions is the fight against violent crimes committed both against the convicted and the personnel of the institutions. That is why the special criminological prevention, which is carried out for this purpose, should be based on clear planning and a qualitatively formed forecast of possible manifestations of these illegal actions. The article emphasizes that these activities should be based on data obtained by such sciences as criminology and criminalistics regarding the characteristics of these unlawful manifestations. Characteristics of violent crimes, namely: the time of a crime. Violent crimes are most often committed: after the convicts are removed from work and up to 12 hours of midnight, which is typical of a residential area; after a lunch break and before the convicts are removed from work, which is typical of the production area; after the attack nature. For the residential area it is characterized by committing a group attack, and for the industrial area – individual one. One of the main reasons for committing violent crimes is the objective factors, namely: the state of persistent criminogenic contamination of prisoners; the scarcity of material resources, in connection with which the importance of the objects possessed by the convicts increases significantly and the relations concerning their distribution are aggravated; obsolescence of the closed-type of criminal and executive institution`s material base, which by its nature is not capable of creating the proper conditions of prisoners` detention; spontaneous stratification, that is, dividing prisoners into several categories, whose members differ on such grounds as the amount of informal power, the nature of relations with other prisoners, and the way of life in the penitentiary institution. Key words: crimes against justice, escape from places of imprisonment, convicted person, institution of execution of punishments, causes and conditions of committing a crime, special criminological prevention.

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