
The paper presents a brief review of the scientific and educational role of natural history museums, particular-ly in the field of interpretation of organic evolution. The scientific and social value of collections that are stored at natural history museums are highlighted. The history of interpretation and popularization of basic ideas of the theory of evolution are considered, as well as the perception of evolution by the society and vari-ous categories of museum visitors. Analysed are the main tools of interpretation available in natural history museums as well as basic principles of display of palaeontological specimens, particularly in dioramas as pe-culiar museum tools for interpretation. The main approaches to the interpretation of evolution are considered in the context of selection of interpretation methods and tools and in regard to the specifics of various groups of museum visitors. Minimum professional skills of interpreters who take part in exhibiting and educational ac-tivities of natural history museums are discussed. The possibilities of interpretation of evolution are shown on the example of the palaeontological exhibition of the National Museum of Natural History at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine). A brief description of the palaeontological display is given, particularly on the general principles of its structure and on examples of exhibited specimens that demonstrate the evolution of various groups of vertebrates (e.g. fishes and mammals). Dioramas of the palaeontological exhibition are presented, which are especially valuable visual tools of interpretation of evolution in the muse-um. The main issues of further existence and development of natural history museums are discussed in the context of their role as powerful research and educational centres, maintaining a high level of attendance by visitors, and involvement of the public in the activities of these museums in times of high competition of lei-sure offers by various entertaining facilities. The need for the modernization of earlier exhibitions using mod-ern interactive tools and visualization techniques in underlined in order to increase public interest and expand the pool of visitors.

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