
Taxation characteristics of stands of coastal forest ecosystem of the Volga region of the Republic of Tatarstan. The generally accepted methods of a research in forest taxation, constant and the temporary trial areas. The researched forest formations: oak, lime, birch, maple, willow, pine, larch. High productivity of pine (Ia-I quality class) and larch (Ia-I), lime (I-II) and birch (Ia-II) plantings. Age of forest stands of a pine - 50-80 years, larches - 48-54 years, lindens - 43-90 years, birches - 33-60 years. Distribution of trees of the prevailing breeds on thickness steps. Statistics of distribution of trees. Differentiation of trees in forest stands (V=19-37%). In plantings a frequent subgrowth of a pine and maple. The insufficient number of subgrowth in the coastal woods. Reasons of weak natural reforestation: the initial stage of forest regeneration process in young plantings; quite powerful forest laying in coniferous ecosystems; distribution of developed heavy sod in birch forests; insufficient amount of light under bed lime phytocenosis, the use of seeds of forest forming breeds by forest fauna; pasturage of the cattle in plantings, adjacent to settlements; the raised recreational load of forest ecosystems; the adverse climatic factors in a forest-steppe zone influencing development of shoots of tree species.

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