
The article is devoted to an alternative view on the explanation of the mechanism of action of devices based on laser feedback interferometry (LFI-model), which is caused by contradictions between the theory of existing models and practical results. A view other than the Lang-Kobayashi model (LK model) and the parametric LFI model (P model) are proposed. Due to the theory, which is based on the parametric properties of the LFI-model, the level of advantage of LFI technology over traditional technologies is quantitatively substantiated. The article gives an example of calculating the useful signal power. It is calculated that at a distance of 500 meters, the signal according to the P-model is 34 dB higher than the signal calculated by traditional models. Thus, from the traditional models follows the inverse square dependence of the signal-to-noise ratio (S / N ratio, hereinafter - SNR) on the distance to the target l_t, viz.: SNR ~ l_t^{-2}. In practice, the SNR is much higher. Within the P-model, another dependence of SNR on l_t, is theoretically proved and experimentally confirmed, viz.: SNR ~ (l_t * ln l_t^2)^{-1/2}. Traditional models do not consider the presence of a useful signal in the pump current, while, in fact, its power is more than 10 times greater than the radiation power in the resonator. The P-model eliminates contradictions between theoretical models and practical results.

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