
Goal. To ensure sustainable viticulture of Ukraine through the allocation of resistant to lack of moisture supply varieties and forms of the new selection of grapes using physiological and biochemical markers of drought resistance. Methods. Physiological — to determine the content of different fractions of water in the tissues of the leaves; biochemical — to determine the enzyme of peroxidase activity in leaf tissues in the critical phase of the growing season for the grape plant to fix the level of stress reactions. Results. Out of 20 varieties and forms of the table and technical grapes, different levels of manifestation of physiological and biochemical markers of drought resistance were fixed. The most pronounced stress reaction up to the loss of turgor leaves was observed in the arid conditions of 2019 in the variety Persei. The least pronounced reaction to the lack of moisture was in table varieties and forms of Odisei, Tairian, Fontan, and Zahrava, from the group technical the high level of ecological plasticity, confirmed varieties and forms of Zahrei, Aromatnyi, Yarylo, and Idyliya muskatna. The prospects of these genotypes are confirmed by the low activity of the marker of stress reactions of the plant enzyme peroxidase in arid years (2017 and 2019). Conclusions. Varieties and forms of grapes selected by markers of drought resistance can be successfully grown by extensive technology. For the variety Persei (if necessary) it is recommended to use intensive technology, in particular, artificial irrigation in critical periods of the growing season — flowering, ripening berries, and the end of the growing season.

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