
This study examines the experiences of teacher learning and lesson sharing of pre-service elementary school teachers in the English lesson sharing model process. For this purpose, data were collected from 35 pre-service teachers attending a national university of education and taking an English Integrated Education Practice class at the time of the study. The data used in the analysis were three video analysis assignments in the pre-lesson sharing stage, two lesson sharing recordings in the lesson sharing stage, and one reflective journal in the reflective stage. As a result of the analysis, first, in the lesson sharing preparation stage, pre-service teachers mainly experienced individual teacher learning opportunities. They understood and learned their colleagues’ various perspectives on English instruction. They also began to look critically at their previous thoughts on English education. In the lesson sharing stage, through social interaction with colleagues, pre-service teachers understood various perspectives and methods of English instruction and improved their communication skills for class sharing. They also showed the ability to ask questions by analyzing the lesson and logically answering the questions of fellow teachers. In the reflective stage, pre-service teachers reflected on their classes and thought about ways to improve them. They identified the strengths as well as the shortcomings of their classes and formed a positive attitude toward the English instruction demonstration. This reflection led to new determination and motivation concerning English instruction as a pre-service teacher. Pedagogical implications and future research are also discussed.

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