
The paper considers the specifics of the units belonging to the terminological system “Hydrotechnical construction”. The study aims to systematise the lexical units that form the terminological system “Hydrotechnical engineering” for their optimal presentation in educational materials in language for specific purposes for foreign students. The authors analyse the main groups of the specialised vocabulary of “Hydrotechnical engineering”: terms, terminological phrases, prototerms, terminoids and professionalisms. The scientific novelty of the study is the object itself, i.e. the units of the terminological system “Hydrotechnical engineering”, which were presented fragmentarily in the authors’ previous works. It is the first time that such a feature as variability of meanings characterising the terminological units belonging to the “Hydrotechnical engineering” type of language for specific purposes has been described, which largely determined the diffuseness of the boundaries of micro-fields within this terminological system. Hydrotechnical terms, their intrasystemic relationships and derivational models served as the subject of analysis. The etymological analysis made it possible to present the terminologisation and determinologisation of individual terms, using the example of which the diffuse nature of the system “Hydrotechnical engineering” was illustrated. As a result of the study, the uniqueness of one of the oldest terminological systems of the Russian language has been proved.

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