
Objective : The purpose of this study is to investigate about comparison of Eastern-Western medicine on the acne. Methods : We searched Eastern and Western medicine books for acne. We analyzed these books and examined category, definition, etiology, classification, internal and external methods of treatment of acne. Results : The results were as follows. 1. In Eastern medicine, Acne belongs to the category of the Bunja(粉刺), Jwachang(痤瘡), Pyepungbunja(肺風粉刺). In Western medicine, the other name of Acne is acne vulgaris. 2. In Eastern medicine, the definition of Acne includes manual extraction of comedones and skin appearance. In Western medicine, Acne is a common skin disease during adolescence and a chronic inflammatory disease of pilosebaceous unit of self localization. It is characterized by noninflammatory, open or closed comedones and by inflammatory papules, pustules, and nodules and it affects the areas of skin with the densest population of sebaceous follicles, these areas include the face, neck, back, and the upper part of the chest. 3. In Eastern medicine, the cause and mechanism of Acne arose from the state of internal dampness-heat and spleen-stomach internal qi deficiency due to dietary irregularities and then invaded external pathogen such as wind-dampness-heat-cold-fire in lung meridian lead to qi and blood heat depression stagnation. So it appears in skin. In Western medicine, the etiology and pathogenesis of Acne is clearly not identified, but there are most significant pathogenic factors of blood heat depression stagnation. So it appears in skin. In Western medicine, the etiology and pathogenesis of Acne is clearly not identified, but there are most significant pathogenic factors of Acne; Androgen-stimulated production of sebum, hyperkeratinization and obstruction of sebaceous follicles, proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes and inflammation, abnormaility of skin barrier function, genetic aspects, environmental factors etc. 4. In Eastern medicine, differentiation of syndromes classifies clinical aspects, and cause and mechanism of disease; the former is papular, pustular, cystic, nodular, atrophic, comprehensive type; the latter is lung blood heat, intestine-stomach dampness-heat, phlegm-stasis depression, thoroughfare-conception disharmony, heat toxin type. In Western medicine, it divides into an etiology and invasion period, and clinical aspects; Acne neonatorum, Acne infantum, Acne in puberty and adulthood, Acne venenata; Acne vulgaris, Acne conglobata, Acne fulminans, Acne keloidalis. 5. In Eastern medicine, Internal methods of treatment of Acne are divided into five treatments; general treatments, the treatments of single-medicine and experiential description, the treatments depending on the cause and mechanism of disease, and clinical differentiation of syndromes, dietary treatments. In Western medicine, it is a basic principles that regulation on production of sebum, correction on hyperkeratinization of sebaceous follicles, decrease of Propionibacterium acnes colony and control of inflammation reaction. Internal methods of treatment of Acne are antibiotics, retinoids, hormone preparations etc. 6. In Eastern medicine, external methods of treatment of Acne are wet compress method, paste preparation method, powder preparation method, pill preparation method, acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, ear acupuncture therapy, prevention and notice, and so on. In Western medicine, external method of treatments of Acne are divided into topical therapy and other surgical therapies. Topical therapy is used such as antibiotics, sebum regulators, topical vitamin A medicines etc and other surgical therapies are used such as surgical treatments, intralesional injection of corticosteroids, skin dermabrasion, phototherapy, photodynamic therapy, and so on. Conclusions : Until now, there is no perfect, effective single treatment. We think that Eastern medicine approach and treatment can be helpful to overcome the limitations of acne cure.

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