
The study identifies the essence of the concept of socio-psychological adaptation as a set of measures aimed at restoring destroyed or lost social ties and relationships as a result of health disorders with persistent disorders of the body (disability), psychophysiological disorders and changes in social status, material security, providing social guarantees and benefits. The purpose and principles are clarified, the main directions of social and psychological adaptation of combatants are considered. The shortcomings of the socio-psychological adaptation of combatants, which are determined by the inconsistency of legislative activities in the study area. The solution of the problem issue ‒ the procedure for obtaining the status of a participant in hostilities is considered and the positive consequences of solving this issue for the Ukrainian society are noted. An effective mechanism of their medical insurance is proposed as a direction of improving the social and psychological adaptation of combatants. The focus is on solving the problem of housing problems of families of combatants as an economic factor of socio-psychological adaptation. The authors recommend mandatory directions for inclusion in the Program of social and psychological adaptation of JFO participants and members of their families. The evaluation and analysis of the opinions of the participants of hostilities on the success of the implementation of socio-psychological adaptation in order to increase its effectiveness. The gaps in the legislation defining the legal basis for social and psychological adaptation of combatants are emphasized and the solution to most of the existing problems is proposed through unification of the relevant legislation through the adoption of a single codified legal act, namely ‒ «Fundamentals of legislation on social and psychological adaptation of combatants actions and their families».

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