
The problems of quantitative assessments of the creativity phenomenon are considered. The necessity of developing a model that allows obtaining a quantitative assessment of the respondent’s creativity is substantiated. The concept of 4K creativity proposed by D. Kaufman is proposed to be used as a basis for developing a model. In accordance with the concept, the creativity indicators are determined. The features are highlighted that are advisable to use in the interests of evaluating the considered indicators characterizing creativity. The elements of critical thinking, creative thinking, communication and cooperation are examined as the dominant indicators that most fully characterize an individual’s creativity. The relationship between the creativity indicators and the individual’s abilities in which they manifest themselves is shown. The structure of the generalised model of creativity in the field of acceptable values of its characteristic indicators is presented. An analytical description of the creativity model is developed. The transition to qualitative indicators of the creativity model is substantiated. Its verbal description is given justifying the permissible limits of indicators within which there is an area of intersection of permissible values of indicators. Applying the tests “Communicative skills” by L. Mikhelson, “Cooperation” by R. Belbin, “Critical thinking” by L. Starkey and “Creative thinking” by S. Mednik for quantitative assessment of creativity indicators in accordance with the developed model is justified. The model validity results in relation to Jerome Bruner test are presented on the example of studies conducted with adjuncts of the Military Academy of the Signal Corps. Conclusions are drawn and directions for further research are determined.

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