
Objective of the study is to identify the method­ological and methodological possibilities of the philosophy of education in improving the edu­cational process in Russian society. The methodological basis of the research con­sists of the concepts of T. Parsons, E. Durkheim, which allow us to consider human health as a complex system including somatic, psychologi­cal and social structures; the theory of a healthy society by E. Fromm, which substantiates the dependence of human mental health on external social processes; the provisions of the theory of digital transformation of society, revealing the influence of modern technologies on the life­style of a person and society; ideas of the con­cept of “risk society”, allowing to analyze the threats to human health of the digital society.   Research results. This article analyzes the trends of digitalization of society and their nega­tive consequences for human health. The digital  environment carries risks to the physical, psy­chological and social health of a person. Threats to human physical health are caused by total computerization, which contributes to the de­velopment of a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to an increase in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, respiratory organs and vision. Risks to people’s psychological health are associated with the ac­tive use of digital devices, which has a negative impact on the cognitive, verbal and socioemotional development of the individual. Negative consequences for social health lie in the plane of the emergence of a new form of socialization of the individual - cybersocialization, during which the processes of desocialization of the in­dividual, atomization of society, replacement of the real Self with the virtual Self, the formation of quasi-values.   Prospects of the study. The problem of the in­fluence of the digital paradigm of social devel­opment on the structures of human health is of scientific and practical interest due to the need to understand the risks and threats caused by the digitalization of society, as well as to minimize their negative consequences.   &nbsp

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