
The formation of geochemical anomalies in Zabaikalsky Krai is associated with the activities of mining enterprises. Over a long period of mining operations in Eastern Zabaikalsky Krai, a significant number of objects of accumulated environmental risk have formed, many of which are located in the vicinity of settlements. Mining wastes pose a potential hazard to the soil, underground and surface water sources, and atmospheric air pollution by a wide range of chemical elements. Arsenic, lead, zinc, cadmium, bismuth and tin are the most common chemical elements exceeding hygienic standards. As a result of a study of the water quality of surface water bodies, drinking water of centralized and non-centralized water supply systems, and the state of the soil cover in the territory of Klichka settlement (Priargunsky District), it was established that in the water of noncentralized and centralized drinking water supply sources the excess of hygienic standards for arsenic and chromium was 2.0 – 5.8 TLV and 1.2 TLV, respectively. The maximum excess of the normative values for arsenic, lead, cadmium and zinc was detected in technosol, which are 200.5, 47.2, 14.0 and 5.5 times, respectively. An assessment of children’s health risk from chemical pollution of drinking water shows that the coefficient of non-carcinogenic hazard for most of the studied chemicals does not exceed the allowable value (HQ = 1.0) the exception is the hazard ratio associated with exposure to arsenic (HQ = 2.50). When calculating the total hazard index for the simultaneous ingestion of chemicals, it was found that for the child population the HQ was 4.12, with arsenic making the greatest contribution to the value of the index. The results obtained indicate the need for further study of environmental factors and in-depth biomedical research.

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